Labor province Nonthaburi. Joint opening ceremony. “International Women’s Day 2553 Annual Ang Thong Province, which office development and social stability of human Ang Thong province. With the Office of Labor Protection and Welfare Nonthaburi Province. Ang Thong Province Development Office of Community Development scheduled event. “International Women’s Day Nonthaburi Province Annual 2553” at the hall in Muang Ang Thong Part 10 March 2553 under the name “International Women’s Day 100 years: from commitment to the rights and dignity of Thai Women” event with a purpose. Society has to recognize women’s rights and access to participation and creating benefits for local communities. As well as developing the potential of women in the social, economic and political, with a governor as president, opened the Ang Thong province. A group of women. Volunteer network. Government agencies and documents. Public. Approximately 350 people attended.